Last Report: 1/6/2021

Statistics from the 2020 general election are available here

Total Early Votes

Total Early Votes: 3,145,672
Percent Turnout (of Registered Voters): 40.6%

Total Early Votes by Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Total Early Votes Freq. Distribution Registered Voters Turnout Rate
Non-Hispanic White 1,744,979 55.5 4,078,114 42.8
Non-Hispanic Black 973,022 30.9 2,321,975 41.9
Hispanic 71,694 2.3 281,955 25.4
Non-Hispanic Asian American 79,554 2.5 200,808 39.6
Non-Hispanic Native American 4,225 0.1 16,132 26.2
Other/Multiple/Unknown 271,003 8.6 839,600 32.3
TOTAL 3,145,672 100.0 7,738,584 40.6

Total Early Votes by Age

Age Total Early Votes Freq. Distribution Registered Voters Turnout Rate
18 to 24 232,407 7.4 954,919 24.3
25 to 34 326,076 10.4 1,493,556 21.8
35 to 44 406,242 12.9 1,284,910 31.6
45 and 55 552,380 17.6 1,279,488 43.2
56 and 65 664,022 21.1 1,248,149 53.2
66 and up 963,350 30.6 1,477,562 65.2
Age Unknown 1,195 0.0 0 NA
TOTAL 3,145,672 100.0 7,738,584 40.6

Note: The “Unknown” Age category is primarily voters who registered to vote after I purchased my most recent statewide voter file in October.

Total Early Votes by Vote in 2020 General Election

2020 General Voted Total Early Votes Freq. Distribution Registered Voters Turnout Rate
Voted in 2020 General 3,016,411 95.9 4,994,136 60.4
Did Not Vote in 2020 General 129,261 4.1 2,744,448 4.7
TOTAL 3,145,672 100.0 7,738,584 40.6

In-Person Early Votes

Total In-Person Early Votes: 2,075,076
Percent In-Person Early Votes (of Registered Voters): 26.8%

In-Person Votes by Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity In-Person Votes Freq. Distribution Registered Voters In-Person Rate
Non-Hispanic White 1,175,946 56.7 4,078,114 28.8
Non-Hispanic Black 628,640 30.3 2,321,975 27.1
Hispanic 47,914 2.3 281,955 17.0
Non-Hispanic Asian American 42,462 2.0 200,808 21.1
Non-Hispanic Native American 2,837 0.1 16,132 17.6
Other/Multiple/Unknown 176,242 8.5 839,600 21.0
TOTAL 2,075,076 100.0 7,738,584 26.8

In-Person Votes by Age

Age In-Person Votes Freq. Distribution Registered Voters In-Person Rate
18 to 24 176,871 8.5 954,919 18.5
25 to 34 227,829 11.0 1,493,556 15.3
35 to 44 299,542 14.4 1,284,910 23.3
45 and 55 426,913 20.6 1,279,488 33.4
56 and 65 478,785 23.1 1,248,149 38.4
66 and up 464,101 22.4 1,477,562 31.4
Age Unknown 1,035 0.0 0 Inf
TOTAL 2,075,076 100.0 7,738,584 26.8

In-Person Votes by Vote in 2020 General Election

2020 General Voted In-Person Votes Freq. Distribution Registered Voters In-Person Rate
Voted in 2020 General 1,995,570 96.2 4,994,136 40.0
Did Not Vote in 2020 General 79,506 3.8 2,744,448 2.9
TOTAL 2,075,076 100.0 7,738,584 26.8

Mail Ballots Accepted

Total Accepted Ballots: 1,070,596
Return Rate (of Requested Ballots): 77.9%

Mail Ballots Accepted by Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
Non-Hispanic White 569,033 53.2 706,049 80.6
Non-Hispanic Black 344,382 32.2 452,165 76.2
Hispanic 23,780 2.2 32,661 72.8
Non-Hispanic Asian American 37,092 3.5 47,320 78.4
Non-Hispanic Native American 1,388 0.1 1,961 70.8
Other/Multiple/Unknown 94,761 8.9 124,964 75.8
TOTAL 1,070,596 100.0 1,374,372 77.9

Mail Ballots Accepted by Age

Age Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
18 to 24 55,536 5.2 81,191 68.4
25 to 34 98,247 9.2 135,765 72.4
35 to 44 106,700 10.0 137,906 77.4
45 and 55 125,467 11.7 158,103 79.4
56 and 65 185,237 17.3 225,675 82.1
66 and up 499,249 46.6 626,480 79.7
Age Unknown 160 0.0 9,252 1.7
TOTAL 1,070,596 100.0 1,374,372 77.9

Mail Ballots Accepted by Vote in 2020 General Election

Voted Count Frequency Count2 Rate
Voted in 2020 General 1,020,841 95.4 1,260,501 81.0
Did Not Vote in 2020 General 49,755 4.6 113,871 43.7
TOTAL 1,070,596 100.0 1,374,372 77.9

Mail Ballots Rejected

Total Rejected Mail Ballots: 3,376
Rejection Rate (of All Returned Mail Ballots): 0.3%

Note: “All Returned Mail Ballots” includes Accepted Mail Ballots and Rejected Mail Ballots. I count only once voters with multiple rejected mail ballots and I exclude any voters who had a rejected mail ballot but subsequently successfully voted.

Mail Ballot Requests

Total Requests: 1,374,372
Request Rate (of Registered voters): 17.8%

Mail Ballots Requested by Race and Ethnicity

Race Count Percent
Non-Hispanic White 706,049 51.4
Non-Hispanic Black 452,165 32.9
Hispanic 32,661 2.4
Non-Hispanic Asian American 47,320 3.4
Non-Hispanic Native American 1,961 0.1
Other/Multiple/Unknown 124,964 9.1
TOTAL 1,374,372 100.0

Mail Ballots Requested by Age

Age Count Percent
18 to 24 81,191 5.9
25 to 34 135,765 9.9
35 to 44 137,906 10.0
45 and 55 158,103 11.5
56 and 65 225,675 16.4
66 and up 626,480 45.6
Age Unknown 9,252 0.7
TOTAL 1,374,372 100.0

Mail Ballots Requested by Vote in 2020 General Election

Voted Count Percent
Voted in 2020 General 1,260,501 91.7
Did Not Vote in 2020 General 113,871 8.3
TOTAL 1,374,372 100.0

Mail Ballot Rejected Applications

Total Rejected Applications: 1,311
Rejection Rate (of All Applications): 0.1%

Notes: The mail ballot application rejection rate is the number of rejected applications divided by the sum of the number of accepted applications plus the number of rejected applications. I count only once voters with multiple rejected applications and I exclude any voters who had a rejected application but subsequently successfully corrected their application issue.