Last Report: 11/2/2020

Returned Mail Ballots

Maine voters have cast 499,939 mail ballots.

Mail Ballots Returned and Accepted by Party Registration

Party Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
Democrats 237,242 47.5 249,446 95.1
Republicans 119,483 23.9 126,332 94.6
Minor 16,618 3.3 18,153 91.5
No Party Affiliation 126,596 25.3 137,214 92.3
TOTAL 499,939 100.0 531,145 94.1

Mail Ballot Requests

Maine voters have requested 531,145 mail ballots.

Mail Ballots Requested by Party Registration

Party Count Percent
Democrats 249,446 47.0
Republicans 126,332 23.8
Minor 18,153 3.4
No Party Affiliation 137,214 25.8
TOTAL 531,145 100.0