Last Report: 11/2/2020
Source: Data Provided by New Mexico Department of State

Total Voted

Total Voted: 788,175

Total Voted by Party Registration

Party Count Percent
Democrats 383,297 48.6
Republicans 273,904 34.8
Minor 6,021 0.8
No Party Affiliation 121,863 15.5
TOTAL 788,175 100.0

In-Person Votes

In-Person Votes: 467,709

In-Person Votes by Party Registration

Party Count Percent
Democrats 186,846 39.9
Republicans 204,278 43.7
Minor 3,828 0.8
No Party Affiliation 69,667 14.9
TOTAL 467,709 100.0

Mail Ballots Returned

Ballots Returned: 320,466

Mail Ballots Returned and Accepted by Party Registration

Party Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
Democrats 196,451 61.3 237,714 82.6
Republicans 69,626 21.7 83,471 83.4
Minor 2,193 0.7 2,723 80.5
No Party Affiliation 52,196 16.3 62,278 83.8
TOTAL 320,466 100.0 386,186 83.0

Requested Mail Ballots

Ballots Requested: 386,186