Last Report: 11/3/2020

South Carolina does not have party registration, but does provides ballot counts by race.

Mail Ballots Returned

Ballots Returned: 1,309,598

Mail Ballots Returned and Accepted by Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
Non-Hispanic White 876,586 66.9 902,307 97.1
Non-Hispanic Black 389,506 29.7 399,905 97.4
Hispanic 16,508 1.3 17,193 96.0
Non-Hispanic Asian American 14,580 1.1 15,239 95.7
Non-Hispanic Native American 1,828 0.1 1,897 96.4
Other/Multiple/Unknown 10,635 0.8 11,389 93.4
TOTAL 1,309,598 100.0 1,347,886 97.2

Mail Ballot Requested

Mail Ballots Requested by Race and Ethnicity

Race Count Percent
Non-Hispanic White 902,307 66.9
Non-Hispanic Black 399,905 29.7
Hispanic 17,193 1.3
Non-Hispanic Asian American 15,239 1.1
Non-Hispanic Native American 1,897 0.1
Other/Multiple/Unknown 11,389 0.8
TOTAL 1,347,886 100.0